

Daycare Center in Marine Park, Brooklyn

Children are so different! Some are lively and active, others are quiet and shy. Some go to daycare with pleasure, others take a long time to get used to the team. Each person is the one and only. The general age characteristics of each child manifest themselves in different ways, and this is expressed in our individual characteristics.  

Main priority for Daycare Marine Park is to support the individuality and initiative in every child. 👪

We live in a constantly changing and renewing world. Today, in the system of preschool education, an important place is occupied by the openness and variability of educational models, the individualization of the education of children

⭐⭐⭐ An individual approach means that when a child is in a group on a daily basis, everyone’s needs are taken into account, both in activity and in rest. This means that all the materials and equipment that are in the kindergarten groups, the group interior, contributes to the development of everyone, all the proposed activities take into account the different levels of development of the kids. Children themselves carry out individualization when they choose a certain center of activity or choose a game, toy according to their interests. ⭐⭐⭐

Daycare Marine Park is a safe space for your little one. We provide the most nurturing, supporting, yet challenging environment for every child. 🏆
Call us (718) 568-6967!

An individual approach in Daycare Marine Park begins already from the moment of adaptation, when a space is created for each child as close as possible to the conditions of the house: the teacher takes the baby in his arms, taking it from his mother, we offer those dishes that the child is used to eating at home, gradually accustoming him to garden food , in kindergarten there is an opportunity for everyone to put to bed as the child is used to at home. And, as experience shows, this makes it possible to make adaptation soft and gentle for everyone. 🧸
Using an individual approach allows us to reveal the capabilities and hidden abilities of each child, as well as to ensure the process of establishing self-determination and self-awareness. Understanding and taking into account the patterns of development and taking care of the individuality of each, we help children grow up and feel needed and successful.