Choosing a child’s daycare is one of the most essential and tough choices you have to make as a parent.
Services We Provide
Daily Parent Communication
Choosing a child care program is one of the most important and difficult decisions you will make. Daycare will set a child’s understanding and approach to learning and lifetime goals. We are working towards the development of all aspects of a child’s well being by using an innovative, yet most successful method, known as the whole child approach. This method allows us to help children succeed in areas that are important for complex development, such as intellectual, physical, social and emotional. This knowledge is extremely valuable in cultivating children’s personalities, clarifying their goals, and ensuring their long term success.
Daycare Marine Park is focused on close cooperation with parents. As professionals in the areas of child’s studies and psychology, we do know that nothing is as important as child-parents communication, although we understand how busy parents could be with their work and efforts to provide for the child’s future.
Qualified Educational Professionals
Daycare works hard to ensure that parents are well aware of each and every step of their child’s lives by using the digital app Brightwheel. Besides offering basic functionality, such as allowing parents to sign kids in and out, Brightwheel allows parents to get live time updates on their kids’ progress and achievements, receive photos and videos of their kids’ lessons, and most importantly communicate with the teacher and the director. In order to keep you informed, we also send you friendly reminders and newsletter, so you can keep up with all the aspects of the daycare life, schedules, and your baby’s newly discovered talents.
And, let’s keep it real, nothing makes more progress than face-to-face communication, which is why we are always welcoming and encouraging parents to chat with teachers or director during drop off and pick up, or schedule a confidential appointment at time convenient for you!Your children are our future, so we are proud and dedicated to helping them learn, develop and grow their potential while providing them with a safe and caring environment.